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90 Miles on 90 Sale
I know it’s been awhile since I updated this blog, well a year and half. Blogging for me doesn’t come easy like it did when I had my old...

First Show of 2023
Hello 2023!! It's been a minute (or year) since I've done a blog post but you know life has just happened... of course you can always...

Through the years I’ve had so many ask me where we find our salvage. I usually answer Everywhere!! There’s never just one place we can...

Hard to believe I’m doing a second blog post of the year. I’ve been reminiscing about some of the great treasures I’ve had over the years...

January 2022
Starting the New Year off with fresh ideas and plans and while it may not have been how we would have hoped or imagined, this will not...

Catching up: 2020 & 2021
The last time I wrote a Blog Post was January 2020. I had promised to keep this blog going but I guess life happened and then there was...

Starting 2020 Off Right
Not having blogged for a year is no excuse, so let me give you a run down what has happened in the past year. I guess time has just...

Old Home Places
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Old Home Places is the farm I grew up on. It seems these days I've been looking for...

Pie Safes and Adventures
What do you do when you come upon such an amazing collection of things that you first of all just want to keep it all (but know that you...

My “Wish” for 2018
Can you believe it's already a new year. I’m excited to see what the year holds. While I’m not a resolution maker I do believe in seeking...
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